our team
a cohesive and competent team
Our team integrates all the necessary skills to develop an architectural, an urban planning, a construction and an interior design project.

Jean-Yves Magnin
HES Architect-Director
Passionate about architecture, motorcycles and floorball.

Danny Miguez
Building Designer – Works manager
3D technician & specialist, passionate about construction

Juliana Moreira
FAULP Architect – Interior designer
Passionate about renovation and organizing spaces.

Alexandre Asselin
HES Architect / Urban planner – Works manager
When I am not at the ocean or in the mountains, I oscillate between the project and construction site.

Gaétan Dunoyer
Building Designer – Junior works manager
Navigates between construction sites and BIM.

Alessandro Döbeli
Building designer - Apprentice
Passionate about basketball, the construction industry, likes doing project.

Nadine Denzler
Administrative manager
Likes to be fully involved.